
Welcome to RepTux homepage.

What is RepTux?

RepTux is a sofware destined to administer a shop of car's spare parts.
The goal is take the control of stock, sales, and expenses of spare parts.

Development status

Jun, 2009
The initial release was many years ago, but RepTux is not dead. This release is the first release usable and I hope that is the begining of a new life for the project.

December 3, 2004
The first definition about data base struct is online. The file contains the sql script and a binary database file ready to start working with a Firebird server.
Please go to Downloads

November 26, 2004
Some screenshots was added. The program start to work.

October 12, 2004
Initial publication in SourceForge.
Started the definition of data base structure, actually is a 30% completed.
The Customer's Form is almost complete. The others forms will be a copy from it, I think those will be done more fast .
The idea is build the basic tables, with his updates forms and then create the "works" process.

This site is also under construction.


The documentation is released in English and Spanish.

The installation guide: Cover the process of installation for the program and the database.

First steps:  Where you can start to load data in RepTux.

User guide: A more complete guide for each module and window of RepTux.

Feature requests

If you'd like a feature to be implemented, request it via


You can browse the screenshot's page hosted in Sourceforge.


Support This Project

You can run RepTux for free. It always will be open source and free for download. But  if  you  believe that RepTux is very useful for you, please consider to support this project by donating.
The amount is the quantity that you think that is his value.


You can download it from the corresponding section in Sourceforge.


For technical support you can contact me:


RepTux is developed using only software open source. Logo

Last updated: June 20, 2009

Copyright © 2009 Eduardo Lopez.